Nov. 12, 2024

RI Comic-Con Recap #10 - Rhode Island Weather and Ghost Toad

RI Comic-Con Recap #10 - Rhode Island Weather and Ghost Toad
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RI Comic-Con Recap #10 - Rhode Island Weather and Ghost Toad

Living in the smallest state in the union means it's pretty easy to run into local legends. Which is exactly what happened when Dave spotted RI's finest weatherman Tony Petrarca walking by the booth. But (after Matt chased him away with words) things got even better when we realized the amazing people next door were related to him. Enter... the Ghost Toad.

#comedypodcast #humorpodcast #funnypodcast #darkhumor #podernfamily #RICC #ComicCon  #ricomiccon #ghosttoad #tonypetrarca